GiveLopez 2024 May 9th-23rd

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Hello, fellow Lopezians and friends!

This year, once again, the Friends of Woodmen Hall are participating in the Give Lopez campaign to help fund our pledge to protect and enhance the wonderful Woodmen Hall. This year’s goal is to raise funds to paint the exterior of the Hall. It will also allow for minor wood repairs to be completed as well. Next year the Hall will be celebrating its 125th year of serving the community of Lopez and it is very fitting that her exterior be spruced up for this august occasion.

Woodmen Hall has been a hub of the community ever since it was built. It has been the site for dances, socials, theatrical performances, concerts, educational events, weddings, anniversaries, birthday parties, and memorial services. Heck, there are still some old timers around who remember when it would be turned into a skating rink. Can you imagine?

In 2023 the Friends had a very successful Give Lopez campaign to help raise funds for a new roof for the Hall. You Lopezians who contributed made it possible to pay for a very expensive project. This year will not be quite as bad – the project will cost between $20,000-$25,000. Please be generous, Woodmen Hall should look spiffy for her big birthday coming up.